Friday, November 04, 2005


I know, don't die of shock, I'm actually posting!

Well it's been a pretty hectic past month. The reason I haven't been blogging is that every time I go near the computer I feel guilty for not doing assignments/studying. That and the constant cramming of seemingly useless information has made my brain slightly incapacitated as to the ability to think regular thoughts, let alone be able to articulate them in writing!

But seeings as there are only three hours until my last exam, I am starting to exhale and (maybe prematurely) celebrate the completion of my degree and the onset of holidays! What better way to celebrate than to have a fireworks display specifically for me! (Well...also there was something to do with this guy called Guy Fawkes.....)

But now I am at a tricky predicament. The end of my degree has meant I actually have to start the very thing I have been preparing for the past three years. I'm somewhere in between nervousness and excitement. Like the first time you dip your hot chip into ice cream to see if it really does taste good like everyone says. And it does. Maybe that's a good omen...

Post more after exams....


jeanie said...

i did try very hard to not die of shock!!! hehe...

Good to hear from you again babe

BJ said...

Welcome back...

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that I've sent some notes I gathered from your blog including this post for research on What is the purpose of life which I'm helping with, with so thanks a lot SasTheChocaholic. Anny.